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Behind the scenes: how to eat avocado first time


Avocado who doesn't like this beautiful green fruit? Yeah....fruit. Easy to say, specially when lots of people saying that this is the best one, however you are trying it first time and your feelings are totally different. Sometimes is like that, don't be worried. I tell you one secret. When you are just starting your adventure with avocado, mix it with other fruits or vegetables. Believe me the taste is much better.

Avocado salad


  • 1 cup of yogurt

  • 1/2 ripe avocado

  • few radishes

  • half fresh cucumber

  • herbs ( opcional salt )

  • pepper

  • 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice


  1. Cut avocado and vegetables in slices.

  2. In a bowl place yogurt.

  3. Place on top of yogurt avocado and vegetables.

  4. Add lemon juice.

  5. Season to taste with herbs and pepper.



  • 1 Tasse Joghurt

  • 1/2 Avocado

  • 5 Radishes

  • 1/2 Gurken

  • 1 TL Kräuter

  • 1 EL Zitronensaft

  • Pfeffer


  1. ​Die Gemüse und Avocado in Scheiben schneiden.

  2. In einer Schüssel Joghurt füllen, die Gemüse und Avocado under den Joghurt.

  3. Fruchtfleisch yum Zitronensaft hinzugefügt werden.

  4. Mit Kräuter und Pfeffer gut abschmecken.



  • 1 szklanka jogurtu naturalnego

  • 1/2 awokado

  • 5 rzodkiewek

  • 1 łyżeczka ziół

  • 1 łyżka soku z cytryny

  • pieprz


  1. Warzywa i awokado poktoić.

  2. Na donie miski ułożyć jogurt, a następnie warzywa i awokado.

  3. Składniki polać sokiem z cytryny.

  4. Doprawić do smaku pieprzem i ziołami.


Wash fruits and vegetable before eating




Sharpen your knife and do it often.


Always use a ripe avocado!


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